Car fleet
Comfort comes first
All of our buses with 49+ seats offer dignified seating for adult passengers, comfortable seats, and amenities that include at least the following standard:
- Air conditioners, microphone
- Seats with adjustable footrests and foldable armrests on the aisle side, leather headrests, and safety belts
- A 220V socket above the toilet for charging phones
- Toilet
- Kitchenette and a refrigerator
- Multimedia system with at least two monitors
- Built-in GPS navigation
- Minimum environmental emission standard Euro 5 - no entry restrictions
Buses 61 seats
VIP seats
VDL Futura, lenght 15m - Rosie
Year of manufacture 2021, EURO 6
Extra equipment:
- VIP seats Vogel LS60 with USB chargers
- Wifi
- Multimedia (USB), 4x monitor
- Towball
VIP seats
Year of manufacture 2019, EURO 6
Extra equipment:
- VIP seats Vogel LS60 with USB chargers
- Wifi
- Multimedia, 3x monitor
Buses 57 seats
VDL Futura, lenght 14m - Futura
Year of manufacture 2013, Euro 5
Extra equipment:
- Three-point seatbelts on all seats
- Towball
VDL Futura 57+1, lenght 14m - Redhead
Year of manufacture 2011, Euro 5
Buses 49, 53 seats
VIP seats
VDL Futura, lenght 13m - Barbie
49+1, Year of manufacture 2023, EURO 6
Extra equipment:
- Seats Vogel LS60 with USB chargers
- Wifi
- Towball
- Multimedia system with HDMI entry
VIP seats
VDL Futura, lenght 13m - Goldy
49+1, Year of manufacture 2018, EURO 6
Extra equipment:
- Seats Vogel LS60 with USB chargers
- Wifi
- Towball
MB Sprinter 19+1 - Sprinter
Year of manufacture 2017
- Wifi
- USB above seats
- 220V converter, refrigerator
VW Crafter 19+1 - Crafter
In operation since 2014
- Skibox for luggage
2x VW Multivan 6 seats
Year of manufacture 2011 and 2020, Euro 5, 6
- Comfortably and fast
2x Box trailer
Trailer Vezeko, Year of manufacture 2020
Box proportions (l x w x h): 2,5 x 1,3 x 1,5 m.
Useful load capacity: 870 kg.
This trailer can be ordered with any bus equipped with a towball.